What: Instant AI-generated effective micro-learning content from any video or text document –
optimised for engagement to increase understanding, recall, fluency and remove hidden cost of learning.
Why: Learning is an active, not passive process - you need to engage with the content. We render the content so that it is easily absoprbed in the flow of work, links to key concepts and prior knowledge so it is easier to remember and recall and
creates knowledge fluency so that content will influence future behaviours.
How: Paste any document or video into AIO to create a short summary, a mind-map of key concepts,
5 multiple-choice questions and a short content-inspired poem.
Who: individuals, teams, L&D professionals, business groups
Benefits for users: Anybody can get their message across faster, cheaper and more effectively than just using a short video, a document or powerpoint presentation.
By generating multiple micro-learning items, the message has greater visibility, perceived importance and much more likely to get through to the audience and for them to act upon it.
Fast time to development
Benefits for customers:
Increased knowledge transfer, understanding and fluency.
Centrally optimising the content for learning reduces the burden on learners, reducing the hidden cost of learning.
Creates a culture of learning by demonstrating best-practice, then giving access to the same tools to do it themselves.
Fast time to competence, low costs, keeps skills current, improves communication and innovation, breaks down organisational silos.
Content reinvigorates communities and chat groups.
One-stop software, integrated to learning platform and sl6 engine